Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Week 4: Like a Grandma in Skinny Jeans

Our zone in front of the Provo Temple (aka the cake temple)


I could use an 12 hour nap right about now. For those of you wondering, I leave the MTC around December 13. We haven't gotten flight plans yet though!

Askew Shimai and I had our best lesson yet last week (see pic below). As far as teaching styles go, I've noticed that Askew Shimai is very good at defining key terms on the spot, and she structures the points she wants to make so that the lesson is straightforward and easy to understand. This anchors the lesson greatly, since I tend to latch onto analogies and can jump around a lot with topics. Together our lessons have the potential to be engaging and informative. Love the district! Love the MTC! Faith and testimony definitely being strengthened.
Our best lesson!

In Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage, I was reading about all the amazing miracles Jesus performed, like healing the sick, raising the dead, and giving the blind man sight. But guess what His first miracle was? According to this book, His first miracle was turning water to wine for a wedding feast. "He was neither a recluse nor an ascetic; He moved among men, eating and drinking, as a natural, normal Being. On the occasion of the feast, He recognized and heeded the demands of the liberal hospitality of the times, and provided accordingly. He, who but a few days before had revolted at the tempter's suggestion that He provide bread for His impoverished body, now used His power to supply a luxury for others"(pg 146).  As we go about our everyday lives, remember this, and know that the luxuries we enjoy are actually miraculous blessings given to us. :)

Some memorable moments of the week:

-While playing indoor volleyball, the ball got stuck in the ceiling.  It's still there.

-I found out that I have a reputation for being that hyper Shimai that sprints through the residence hallways and bathrooms while everyone is getting ready. My poor companion broke the heel on her shoe when I was racing her to class one day as well.

-I tried to get a piggy back ride from Miller Shimai, but jumped so high that I yanked her shoulders back and made her fall backwards completely. She's a very strong person, so she was as shocked as I was.

-I learned 100 new Japanese words in a week. Yay! That's a goal of mine from here on out.

-My mom sent a package of homemade cookies with tubs of frosting. <3

The crazy kids that are in love with my mom for sending cookies.


"You da best, Rogers Shimai's mom!"

-One of the choros that is really good at soccer was making passes with a little rubber ball in class between a few of the other choros, and I randomly took a kick and got the ball through his feet when no one else could! I consider this truly amazing because I suck at soccer.

-I got the strangest nickname ever this week: hidden lemon. Please explain to me what that means!!

-I told a Choro, "I like your neck tie." And then I busted up laughing, because it had just occurred to be that the word "neckutai" in Japanese means "body of flesh." Thankfully, he had no idea.

MTC VS Outside World:

-Romance in movies
Since the "canteens are dry," if an actor so much as LOOKS at an actress in a certain way, the elders go crazy.

-Wearing regular clothes
On P-day when we get time off, seeing classmates in regular clothes is like seeing a grandma in skinny jeans.

-Staying up late
So basically, if you wander around the residence halls at night, people will be scared of you and wonder if you are even human.

-Celebrating holidays
Forget it. If you have a pumpkin sticker, way to be a sparkling individual.

-Giving high fives
In our zone since high fives aren't allowed, people will cringe like they've just been slapped in the face because they are embarrassed that they forgot the rule.

-Giving compliments
"You're testimony is awesome!" "You are so in tune with the Spirit." "Thank you for being Christ-like!"

Here in the MTC, it seems that the men are way more emotional saying goodbye to each other. They really like doing this "bye bye book" thing where everyone in the zone writes them a note and email inside a journal. The sisters don't care about it as much. Ha ha

Much Love,
Rogers Shimai

P.S. Sorry for the long email. When I'm out of the MTC, I'll write
every other week instead, since ain't nobody got time for this.

More Japanese memes: 
Angry bird

Askew Shimai done did my eyebrows. And yeah I'm a lil' ray of sunshine, but I won't give you cancer.
Translation: "Is Cara Delevigne a missionary?" Senkyoshi=missionary
It looks like she's slapping my face. But she would never do that. She would only slap me on purpose, never on accident;).

Hit you with the Spirit like...
This is the mission area of Fukuoka.

Miiiiiiiller Shimai! <3

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