Friday, April 6, 2018


Hello! My heart aches as I begin this email, because I have to say goodbye, but I’m learning to find peace in the knowledge that missions don’t end when you get off the plane and return home. This mission in Japan has been really hard. I think I’ve struggled a lot, and in many ways I wonder... have I failed? Have I done enough? My companion says that sometimes you have to plow through the heavy stuff, or you’ll sink into the mud like the horse from the Never Ending Story.
I have worn this name badge with Jesus Christ’s name over my heart and that has helped me follow my Savior. Now His name is written on my heart, and I can keep being a witness of Jesus Christ. Serving a mission was a gift I was given. I am so grateful. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to go or not....But no doubt a mission was the best decision FOR my life. When I look back over the work that’s been performed during my mission, it’s easy to be hard on myself. I strive to remember: you grow just as much when you are trying to help people as when you DO help people. And in God’s eyes as well, we DO get credit for trying. If everything I’ve ever done on my mission just turns to dust,  I can still walk away from this experience with
1. A burning witness that this church is true and
2. Practical spiritual tools to help me deal with upcoming challenges.

I bear my testimony to you that Christ does stand by you and has experienced every pain and affliction known to man. I know He is fighting for you every step of the way. I know there is true joy and peace in relying on principle rather than on circumstance. I see all these missionaries around me working hard and following the Spirit and I know this is God’s work.

Thanks for reading these emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333

See you on the other side,
Sister Rogers