Monday, June 19, 2017

Weeks 35 & 36: Not in Kansas

HELLO from NAHA! (Okinawa)

We did missionary work by the beach! Woohooo and now the beach isn't
an hour train ride away !!!
I took a train then subway then plane then monorail and now I'm here on a tropical island just in time for SUMMER.  The watch tan is bound to be powerful. Also powerful is that back a long long time ago when I lived in Kumamoto Tsuboi ward, Omi Shimai and I took the train for a day proselyting in this sea village and the elders met with two of our investigators and had a lesson in which they set baptismal dates without us knowing. Very powerful. I was slightly salty, but only because of the ocean water. It turned out alright though because those investigators instead of being overwhelmed by the lifestyle changes they need to make in order to be baptized were actually more motivated than ever and one quit smoking (it has been about a week and a half now). They just really want to be baptized. Two days before I left Kumamoto, they decided they aren't going to take lessons anymore because of other personal concerns, but as we said final goodbyes I just felt so much hope and love for them. It didn't feel like the end at all, and I felt the spirit. Our purpose as missionaries is to bring people closer to Christ and sometimes it's going to be in small and simple ways that won't always manifest as baptism. Timing is everything.

My new companion is Sister Perkins hailing from Washington, USA. Fun fact about her is that she has a ton of blogs and is working on her associates in journalism. Go girl.

In Naha, the weather has been rainy lately but when it gets hot...everybody makes sure they are wearing nice long shirts so they can stay pale and delicate. In Naha, the sidewalk tile gets slick with rain and as people walking ahead of me are falling down, I start breaking my bike to get down to a safer speed... and fall down as well. lol. In Naha, there's tourism everywhere... there is a restaurant called bikuri donkey (surprise donkey), there's Americans and Europeans and I get nervous to talk to them sometimes, and the church has beach house vibes. I'll have some fun pictures this upcoming transfer.

I cried on the bus leaving Kumamoto, but I found a sense of peace as I saw my companion Sister Perkins for the first time. She has a beautiful smile and is very sweet. Our first day together of real missionary work, we visited a woman she had met this last Monday, and we set a baptismal date. This cute old lady got all dressed up and came to church yesterday and all the other old ladies were so excited asking our permission to talk to her. Wow. I feel lucky to be in Naha.

Last transfer with Omi Shimai we would shake hands every night and say"jinsei wa ii ne" which is "life is good" and I feel it so strong as I'm typing this email. Life is good. Life is good.

Rogers Shimai

I forgot to send this beautiful picture last time... She is deeply
moved by her calling as a missionary.
The member that didn't want a picture.

I got to model again for the less active lady.
Heart attack from the elders because the pigeon wasn't enough I guess-lol
With the Tsuboi bishop
With my bae (basil plant)

Tsuboi district yaaaaa!

Tsuboi is the best

My first picture in Okinawa... Sister Paige lol

Sister Perkins my new comp!!!

Transfer 5 let's go.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Weeks 33 & 34: Botswana

Outside the mission home and Fukuoka Temple

Omi Shimai at the Fukuoka Temple

My powerful companion, Omi Shimai, has a deep passion for this country near South Africa called Botswana. Why? Back in her rugged high school years, she saw this flag: 🇧

and she was deeply and irrecoverably moved. Since she first laid eyes upon the flag, she has had a deep, abiding passion for Botswana. I keep thinking this is a joke, but Omi Shimai is "like unto a valley, firm and steadfast." If Omi Shimai can have a sense of conviction over a random flag that few  know about, I'd say she's pretty much unstoppable. She also is called of God, so she has that going for her too.

This transfer, we have focused on having more fun while out proselyting.  The streets of Tsuboi are busy, so this form of proselyting on the streets is fast-paced. You have to be a whole lot of friendly and maybe a little crazy so people will stop and listen. I play up the fact that I'm a foreigner, because white people are treated like unicorns here. I speak a little bit in English, "Hey what's your name?" Last week we made a return appointment with a college girl through doing Spirited Away impressions. I love taking selfies with strangers because it breaks the ice. :) When people say
my Japanese is good, I love telling Japanese people that their Japanese is really good and it never gets old. Haha
On the Kumamoto streets

Last night I was reading an old New Era magazine. 1971 (yeah it's in the gospel library app). I was looking for spiritual topics, and I found this:

Love's Wrath

They quarreled … and in cold anger she wrote him:
“I’m returning the letters--the picture--the pin.
I’m also enclosing your valentine (a worthless token).
The lace is all torn--the hearts broken.”
With righteous hurt anger he answered her letter:
“I’m returning the tiepin--the gloves--the sweater.
But I’m keeping your kisses (although you regret them).
If you want them returned--please come and get them.”

How did this end up in a church magazine? I have no idea, but it made my night. Haha
I have to catch the bus back to Kumamoto because we are in Fukuoka right now visiting the temple. So sorry this email is just random blaaaah. Being a missionary is so fun, but I'm always tired!!! Have an awesome week. :)

Rogers Shimai

A "gift" from the elders!
Our reaction

With the district...
Sakamoto Shimai in a bike accident--owwww!

Silliness abounds--Sakamoto and Rogers Shimai